got the whole top diamond and the bottom rose gold.
no, not really. i just got some spacers and my top brackets for my braces. i look like a damn fool right now, let me tell you.
but you know me, optimistic as hell so it doesn't bother me, but the way my braces brush against my inner lip does kind of irk. eh, i'm sure it's something i could get use to.
anywhoooooo, today was my first official day of vacation! i had my ortho appointment this morning which lasted hella hours, but after that i came home and did what anybody in their right mind should during vacation, CHILLLAAXXXX. i guess it proves to be difficult when you've got a toddler though. hah.
i am currently waiting on my grade for english. i'll have to email my teacher on monday and until then i will keep the rest of my grades a secret. yes, i know them.
it's really nice going to bed and not worrying about homework!
i'm going to be leaving to san jose in a few days. i'll be up for a week. one, for my older sister's 22nd birthday, two, for my brother's middle school graduation, and lastly, just to be with the fam. yadadamean?
it'll just be and achilles though since busko will have to come back down for work. it's cool. when summer school starts i will only be going to class on mondays and wednesdays for 8 hours. he has the rest of the days of the week to be with me and my glorious self.
OH, there was this freaking promotion going on at my ortho's office that if you started your braces today you get to pick a FIFTY dollar gift card to one of the many retail stores they had listed. how freaking sweet is that?? i picked target. :D
and OH again, the little goody set they gave me to take care of my came with a travel toothbrush. i guess i should carry it around in my purse, huh? that way after meals i could brush? because i know it disgusts the hell out of me when i'm talking to somebody with braces and they've got food stuck in them.
i just think..."i wonder how long that's been there?"....."i bet it smells..."..."can he/she taste it?"....."i wonder what it is? a fry? a piece of candy?"
but you know, i'm weird like that.
Saturday, May 31, 2008
i got my grillllllll.
Posted by jenn la VICIOUS at 10:19 PM 0 comments
Monday, May 26, 2008
it is time..
for finals.
kickstarts tomorrow with biology.
continues with english and math on wednesday and psychology on friday.
then...then it is my summer vacation!! that is until june 16th when my summer classes start, but at least that is only on mondays and wednesdays. whoooooo!
planning on going to san jose for a week for my older sister's bday and little broham's 8th grade graduation. we'll see how that works out.
alrighty, achilles is asleep and it's only 10. I have time to write an essay. lol
Posted by jenn la VICIOUS at 9:52 PM 0 comments
Thursday, May 22, 2008
man, there's too much going on right now.
i've been swamped, literally swamped with homework. i've come to drinking energy drinks which work, but make my head hurt.
my family in san jose is going through a rough spot. i'm stressed out beyond belief about that, like chunks of hair falling out kind of stress.
8 more days until the semester is over, but i've got finals out the a hole.
and then, thank god, 2 weeks of vacation before i start summer school.
america's economy is going to hell and we've all become victims of that, some more so than others and it's a sad, sad, shitty thing.
and the lengths people will go through to support themselves..scamming people who are struggling every bit as much as they are.
is this what it has come to?
this is a case of the worst pies of london and it distraughts me. i wish i could help. i really wish i could.
Posted by jenn la VICIOUS at 9:05 PM 0 comments
Monday, May 12, 2008
my actual mother's day and random rambles.
i did laundry.
i went to walmart.
i ate some mexican food.
now i'm having some mean toothache pain. i have yet to get that certain molar removed since i ended up rescheduling what should've been my freedom from this cursed tooth. sigh.
i have class at 8am tomorrow, but for some reason i am up. i will regret this in a few hours when i need to roll myself out of bed. hah.
anyways, achilles was a real jerk today. i kept telling him it was mother's day and he should be extra sugary sweet with me. he slapped me and gave me a booger because it disgusted him, so i guess that meant it was okay to give to mama?
at least i have this beautiful work of art he made on poster board with random markers and colored pencils. so sweet.
my biology poster is almost done! yessss. i got a huge chunk done tonight including some coloring. i give it another hour and a half or less and it will be complete. yessss. as far as the midterm coming up, i've memorized about 70% of what i need to know to pass. i should work on that other 30......
mothereffer. i have a math exam on wednesday. they just never stop! aaaack.
i wish busko would come upstairs already. doesn't he know i need to be held when i go to sleep? mannnnn!
Posted by jenn la VICIOUS at 12:16 AM 0 comments
Saturday, May 10, 2008
it was hella hott.
i think my shirt might reek of perspiration, not body odor, just perspiration.
hum. while on the subject of b.o, i'd like to point out that i've never had a problem with it. i can actually go without deodorant and you'd only be able to get any odor from my pits if you were to be up close and personal with them. and c'mon, how many people have their noses in my pits?
i consider it some kind of blessed. lol
i still do wear deodorant though. i like for my armpits to feel dry and fragrant. haha.
okay, enough about my armpits.
my skin is clearing up! yayyyy. my face isn't THAT bumpy anymore. i've still go some stubborn blackheads, but eh, whatevs. oh, i've also got some of those dark pigmented spots you get when a pimple or blemish starts to heal, but again, WHATEVS. i'm just happy that my face isn't so much UGH anymore. holla.
busko took me out for lunch today. :] i got to choose and i chose thai! it was uber yummy and achilles ate like i've never seen him eat before. after lunch i went to ross. man, i freaking love ross. perhaps it's the babymama side of me, but i just love the low prices! i found the cutest hello kitty shirt for, get this, 8 dollars! i'm gonna wear it monday with my new gladiator style slippers from old navy. :D OH, i also found the CUTEST dress! it's a spring/summer dress, brown and pink, knee length, empire waist line, and tie up straps. i'm going to wear it to my goddaughter's baptism next weekend in san jose. i'm trying to figure out what i should do with my hair. i was thinking full curls, or maybe my suttle amy winehouse look..minus the crack of course. OR MAYBE, i could combine both looks. oh...the possibilities.
i'm a bit tired, but i told busko i'd be up when he got off of work at 1230. not much longer, i should be able to hang. i can't make promises though. i'm narcoleptic. i'm not. i just played a sick joke on you.
SO, my poster project. i think i'm on schedule on how much should be completed by now. it's due on tuesday so i figure i'll get the rest of the drawing and text done tomorrow, some coloring, and finish coloring on monday.
since my psychology crap isn't due for another 3 weeks, my priority is going to my english research paper. as soon as i'm done with this bio crap i'll get to working on that paper. i'm going to shoot to getting it done by next weekend. that way it'll be out of my way. i probably should simultaneously work on my psych genogram poster and get that done so all i have to worry about is the papers that need to be written.
let me let you in on something, the secret to any successful student is the student who can manage his or her time well. some of that paired up with old fashioned passion and determination, it's a winning combination.
people think i'm smart. i'm no more smarten that you, i just have more self discipline.
and research shows that people who are good at their jobs (i.e doctors..nurses) aren't particularly better at skills needed for the career choice, rather they have more determination and passion towards what they do.
Posted by jenn la VICIOUS at 11:33 PM 0 comments
Friday, May 9, 2008
my biology poster is seriously shot to hell.
it never had a chance.
i've messed up on it so many freaking times! infact, i'm purchasing whiteout tomorrow. lol. my poster is going to be one patchy son of a gun.
good god. i wish you could see at what lengths my memorization will be tested next week for biology. i have to memorize terms, color codes, and the sectional drawings of different phylums, plus the random notes on the sides dr. rainbow wrote.
did i mention that the poster is due the same day we take the midterm? JKJKDFAUIENFACV!
ahh, but the optimistic side of me will say atleast it's hitting two birds with one stone.
alas, i am not the most optomistic person right now. i have 7 2 page papers, another poster project of my family tree, and a lengthy essay of each person in my tree. mind you, that is just for psychology. i also have the fore mentioned biology poster to do and i must must study for the midterm. and for english i've got some gay 5 page research paper.
accckkkkkk. all this work just slapped me across the face now, at the end of the semester! what a sick game my instructors played!!
this sunday is mothers day. i will spend it doing laundry and homeworkssss. distraught.
i've really got to stick to my guns and get some work done tomorrow. seriously.
wish me some form of luck. i will need it.
Posted by jenn la VICIOUS at 10:40 PM 0 comments
Saturday, May 3, 2008
needing a reason to procrastinate.
okay, i know i've complained in the past about being drowned in assignments, but i really mean it this time.
the homework load of the past is nothing compared to the caliber of assignments set before me.
i cannot enjoy myself in anything i do. it's always at the back of my mind. it creeps and it crawls and it makes my heart feel heavy. it's not a nice a feeling.
this fucking molar. i'm getting it pulled out on monday. fuck the root canal and fuck the gum surgery. i'm not about to co-pay $800 for something that might not even work. i'd rather get it pulled out and pay like $1000 for a tooth implant. yeah, tooth implants exist. lol.
anyways, i've got a rather odd assignment to get started on. i'm pretty sure the main point of it is to learn how to cite sources throughout research papers.
boo to homework.
it's almost the end of the semester. 27 more days and i've completed my first semester of college. woopie. then i'll have a little more than 2 weeks off to enjoy before dun dun dun..summer school. chyea, i'm going to take 2 classes during the summer. i'm part of priority registration, but i've got like 3rd dibs on classes. first priority gets to register this monday, the 5th! i have to wait until the 11th, and then open registration starts the 22nd. hopefully my classes don't get filled up because that would suck. i've already picked my classes so i'd only be in school twice a week from about 8am to 5pm. not bad. not bad at all.
i'm planning on taking math 070 (yes, your girl is in remedial math) and philosphy 105. i'm pretty sure philosphy will be an easy one to get into but as for the math i'm not too sure. everybody is wanting to take 070 during the summer so the could be caught up in 102 come time fall.
i can only hope, but if worse comes to worse, i'll take the online class my current math teacher is offering during the summer. though i'd prefer to have an actual class with an, beggers can't be choosers.
okay okay..i'm going to write my stupid Juno paper. mmhm, that juno..with the pregnant teenager and jogging kid in gold shorts.
Posted by jenn la VICIOUS at 11:10 PM 0 comments