Saturday, November 8, 2008

one of the only good things of the av..

the gorgeous sunsets of the desert. they even beat out watching sunsets up top the sierra hills of my beloved san jose.

the clouds kind of weave and intertwine through azure shades of pinks and violets. coming closer to the actual sun is a dazzling orange gold. the desert beneath is close to dark, the shapes of joshua trees still visible. they're enjoying the view too.

it's in all this beauty that my discontent for the antelope valley diminishes and I'm over come with a sense of humility. maybe I also understand why the antelope valley keeps you in the antelope valley. you can rant on and on about how the area is lacking, but when that sun sets you's not so bad.

if I ever leave the av, I always assume I'd never look back. that's not so much the case anymore. I'll hold that perfect image of sunset deep within the confines of my heart. it keeps me warm. I'll look back and I will sigh. I will say.."the best sunsets I've ever seen were in the barren lands of the antelope valley." and for that moment I remember, the orange gold rays will peak over my heart and I will feel that same warmth and humility.

the antelope valley can be beautiful after all....