Saturday, January 26, 2008


it's early and i'm tired. i don't know why. i didn't do much today, just the usual. you know, take care of the sonsie, but i did do the laundry today. and boy let me tell you, it gets tiring going up and down those stairs!

ugh. bills suck. especially if you go to school exclusively. why couldn't currency be shells or pretty rocks? i'm telling you, those native americans had the right idea.

i've got my follow up dentist appointment on monday. more fillings. i hope they let me keep my lip ring in. i had to take it out for the xrays for my last appointment. i decided to just keep the ring out until the end of the check up, not sure if the dentist was going to let me keep it in or not. well when i was all done, the shit was freaking closing already! i seriously i had to re-pierce myself through both sides! it was horrible.

oh, i felt like i should have been apologizing to the dentist for my whacked out teeth! hahaha. oh, and apparently i have an extra random tooth still inside my gums towards the front upper portion of my grill. CRAZY, HUH?? i saw it right there in the xray! i HOPE it never cuts through. that would suck. i would cry.

god, i hate my grill. i hate it with a passion. forget braces, just hook it up with the veneers! holla.


Anonymous said...

shiiii you ain't the only one who hates their grill =(