Monday, April 28, 2008

some time off of homework.

holy cow it is HOT. omg. it's not even summer yet and i'm here in my damn bra and panties sweating up a storm.


anyone who knows me know that heat gets me crabby. i'll feel awfully bad for the people (busko) who will have to put up with my heat induced mood swings.

not only that, but when it's hot i get sleepy for some reason. like i missed my math class earlier and took a 3 hour nap instead. how weird is that?

ughhhh. summer is going to be realllll hot this year and ACK, i live in the desert land that is the av! it's okay. i'll burrow with the rabbits in the cool undergrounds of the hot dry sand and dirt.

oh god, those fucking toads are going to come out soon. what the hell is up with those? they're like stray cats in an alley way, but toads! you seriously will have like 10 of them on your walk way during the summer time and let me tell you, they are scary when you're not expecting them

wth are toads doing in the desert? crazy ass toads. go back to your swamps.