Sunday, December 7, 2008

what what in the butt?

It is the end of the semester, word! Too bad it's that effing end of semester cram. It's kind of killing me this time around, but it's cool. Monsters and determination make it happen!

Next Thursday will be my last day and I'm off for a good 3 weeks! I'm heading up to San Jose that very Sunday until the 26th. It'll be nice to be home for a bit. I HELLA miss it! Just like I miss saying 'hella' without people laughing at me or giving me a confused face. Hella lame, they're lucky I don't bust out my entire Bay lingo on them with the riding the yellow bus, going dumb, and all that. Hahaha!

I will NEVER grow accustomed to SO CAL. I am a NOR CAL girl and always will be. Bet your ass I'll be back when I'm done with school!

SOOOOO, I watched the Twilight movie during one of its many midnight showings on its release date. As an avid Twilight fan I can say that the movie was okay. The acting was mediocore, but it was bearable. Yes yes, movies are never as good as the book. I know that, but I was expecting something a little more. It was a low budget movie, that probably explains it. Haha.

OH, Busko and I totally stood in line at 8:30 p.m to find a line that was already wrapped around the building! Luckily I had a friend who had a friend who lined up at 4p.m. I was a total savage about it and called my friend to give me her friend's number and I totally played cutsies. HAH. She was pretty close to the entrance too. Twilighters, UNITE!

DAMN. I am exhausted, mentally and physically exhausted. I have 4 finals next week and a fucking paper due. I would've had a speech to do for my communications class, but I begged my instructor to let me go this past Thursday. I totally killed it. Nobody wanted to go after me. GRADE A INTIMIDATION, MY FRIENDS.

"How am I supposed to go after that?"

This blog is kind of turning into a ramble, but that's okay. I really need to ramble right now. It soothes and my mind is in a thousand different places at the moment.

THE HOLIDAYS! The holidays are upon us! I've still a few people to shop for as far as gifts go. I'm sooo bad at gift giving. I mean kids, they're okay. Put something shiny in front of their faces and their good to go (SO JK), but, I give them all pajamas. Hahaha. But c'mon, who doesn't want a sweet new pair of pj's for Christmas??

If they've been really good, they'll get a pair of matching fuzzy slippers too.

Achilles, he's pretty much good to go for Christmas from me and Busko. I totally went black Friday shopping for his gifts. I came out pretty good actually! I got a $45 Hot Wheel set for $20 and a $60 Thomas the Train set for $15!! Not to mention, I also had his Wonderpets fly boat and Elmo Live hidden in our room. Speaking of Elmo Live, that damn thing is so life like! It's like the real Elmo! You should youtube a video. I probably bought it for myself now that I think of it.

Live vicariously through your children. It's totally acceptable.

I am SO tired. I don't even know why I even bothered with capitalization in this blog?? Shit, it's too hard to stop now. I should just put everything in MLA format while I'm at it, eh?