Saturday, January 3, 2009

Happy New Years!

I came down with a viral infection that was going around amongst the children of the house. It consisted of the runs and vomiting. I knew I was coming down with it on new years eve, but it didn't hit me hard until two days later. It was horrible! Since I avoid eating at all costs when I'm sick I did a lot of dry heaving over the toilet. That hurts..really bad.

Anywho! I spent the beginning of the new year with my son and hubub. Although I was a bit nauseas in bed, it was fine with me. I was with the right people and that's all that mattered. :]

So I decided to use the mall gift card Busko's parents gave me for xmas. I went ahead and got myself a much needed haircut today. It's safe to say that I just got one of the best haircuts of my a STRAIGHT man. Unbelievable, eh?

Tomorrow I have a lot to do. I need to do TONS of laundry and do a bit of cleaning! I also need to get ready for intersession..which Iam not looking forward to. It's going to be the sucks. Philosophy doesn't sound like a class I would care for- like Sociology. SOCIOLOGY, what the fuck was that about?? I HATED that class. UGHHH. I'm buying my books for intersession on Monday. There goes $200!

..I should grow a money tree.

yawn. This undergrad scene is getting old.