Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Lab Practical II..

91/100. YES!

It was definitely a picker upper after the last 2 C's I got on those stupid nervous system tests. I'm at an 85% in the class and SHOULD finish off the semester with a B. Not bad! Not only am I passing this class the first time around (6/10 first time students drop or fail), but I should also be finishing off with a decent mark.

Let's see, I've registered for my summer class. I was stuck between choosing microbiology or physiology online. I kind of psyched myself out of physiology. I'd need to be at the top of my game to take that class during the summer, online at that! So I'm taking microbiology. I'll be on campus Monday-Thursday from 11am to 4pm. I figure it's not that bad. One of my lab partners who took micro last summer, said that it wasn't bad at all and it was actually easier than human anatomy.

So I'm not too worried about the class, but the cost off books will kill the pockets..as always.

4 more weeks left in the semester! The finish line is visible from the distance!