Saturday, December 12, 2009

Losing touch..

..with this blogging thing, aren't I?

WELL, Christmas and New Year's are upon us! December also marks the end of the fall semester. This semester is special to me though- it's the last of my pre-requisites. I'm just waiting on my school to mail me my official transcripts so I can finally sign up for the nursing program. :]

Yeah, I'm stoked.

So, this holiday season is going on swimmingly. Usually they stress me out with the gift giving and shopping. BLEH. But this holiday is also my first without my Tia Menchie (RIP) so I'm taking a lesson from her death and trying to enjoy as much of life as I can. I have to admit, although I miss her like crazy even more so because of the holidays, I'm feeling pretty festive this year! Especially since my son is older and able to grasp this time of year more. It's so cute how he asks me about Santa, presents, and how excited he is!

It's crazy how when I was younger I was all about presents for ME. Now that I'm a parent I could care less about what I receive, but rather what I'm going to get for my son!

WELL, since there will be a wait to get into the nursing program I am going to go ahead and start working on my classes to transfer next semester. I'm pretty excited about taking Spanish. I've always enjoyed that class in high school. You know what? I'm just excited to take other classes that are not dealing with biology PERIOD. Can you say 'over-saturated'? Yeah, that's me in a nutshell right now.

I'm taking the winter off! It'll be my first REAL vacation since Spring of '08. I have close to 2 months off! What am I going to do with myself??

Until next time, I assume. I ran out of things to talk about.