..your skin would be glowing and you'd have dark, thick, luxurious and shiny curls on top your head. You're plump and happy. You'd smile at me and say.."Neng, good job."
I'm getting there, Ti Menchie. Everything you wanted for me, I'm making progress to get there. It's hard not being able to just dial your number and tell you that I passed my classes for the semester- or better yet, that I'm finally able to sign up for the nursing program!
We'd talk about our plans for the holidays, what we are getting for our kids, and you'd tell me not to worry about buying anything for your daughter..but like every year, I do.
This is so unbelievably difficult. In less than a week, it's Christmas, then soon after, New Year's! Major holidays without your cooky customs for good luck, health and prosperity. Major holidays without your voice..but most importantly, just you.
I'm wearing one of the perfumes you gave me. You couldn't stand the smell during your pregnancy and even after Hope was born! It's a little bit comforting though, that your hands once held the very same bottle, your finger pushed down on the very same spritzer, and you smelled the very same as I do now.
You wished the best for me so that I may take care of my family- Achilles, your grandson. You always urged me in my studies to become a nurse, that that's what I needed to be. In all honesty though, Tia, what I need to be..is like you.
You had a heart of gold, pure gold, bound by the finest sheets of silk and velvet. You had a face that was kind, warm, always welcoming and your generosity was beyond peaks I've ever known. That is what I need to be, Tia. A nurse? Yeah, maybe one day, but to mirror the same aspects of humanity that you did....that would surely be something I'd be more proud of.
Monday, December 21, 2009
In an ideal world..
Posted by jenn la VICIOUS at 4:06 PM 0 comments
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Losing touch..
..with this blogging thing, aren't I?
WELL, Christmas and New Year's are upon us! December also marks the end of the fall semester. This semester is special to me though- it's the last of my pre-requisites. I'm just waiting on my school to mail me my official transcripts so I can finally sign up for the nursing program. :]
Yeah, I'm stoked.
So, this holiday season is going on swimmingly. Usually they stress me out with the gift giving and shopping. BLEH. But this holiday is also my first without my Tia Menchie (RIP) so I'm taking a lesson from her death and trying to enjoy as much of life as I can. I have to admit, although I miss her like crazy even more so because of the holidays, I'm feeling pretty festive this year! Especially since my son is older and able to grasp this time of year more. It's so cute how he asks me about Santa, presents, and how excited he is!
It's crazy how when I was younger I was all about presents for ME. Now that I'm a parent I could care less about what I receive, but rather what I'm going to get for my son!
WELL, since there will be a wait to get into the nursing program I am going to go ahead and start working on my classes to transfer next semester. I'm pretty excited about taking Spanish. I've always enjoyed that class in high school. You know what? I'm just excited to take other classes that are not dealing with biology PERIOD. Can you say 'over-saturated'? Yeah, that's me in a nutshell right now.
I'm taking the winter off! It'll be my first REAL vacation since Spring of '08. I have close to 2 months off! What am I going to do with myself??
Until next time, I assume. I ran out of things to talk about.
Posted by jenn la VICIOUS at 7:40 PM 0 comments
Sunday, October 18, 2009
A little perturbed..
My life has been throwing me one curve ball after the other. Most recently I found out that due to budget cuts my school's nursing program went from admitting 80 students a semester to a meager 40. My heart is broken.
I've been working my ass off the last year and a half with the necessary pre-requisites. Of course with my luck, only a few weeks before signing up, they pull this shit.
Alas, it will happen in due time I'm sure. As much as I feel like giving up, I know I just gotta keep on trucking.
Just keep fishing..something a little blue fish in a well known Disney flick about a little lost clown fish would say.
Posted by jenn la VICIOUS at 9:52 PM 0 comments
Friday, September 11, 2009
Autumn is on the horizon.
I'm excited. It's my favorite season, although in the area that I live in I probably only get about 2 weeks of true fall weather. I savor those weeks. :]
Started fall semester on the 24th of August. I've been given a new set of batteries because I'm really feeling the vibe of this semester. Yes, it seems like quite the work load, but with this new found bounce in my step I think it's doable. Physiology seems technical and tedious, but I have the hotts for my professor, so it makes it bearable. Hah! Philosophy is an interesting class. My professor expects us to write in graduate levels so I figure it won't be a class I can easily..BS. lol
I'm really thinking about starting a video blog. I need a hobby! It seems my life revolves around being a mother, a girlfriend, and a student. I give little time in between for myself which is sad. I think a video blog would be the perfect outlet for me, plus it sounds fun! All I would need is a webcam since my laptop took a crap and died. It's cool, my birthday is coming up with a quickness this November. I've added the webcam to my birthday wish list and have submitted in the requests with boss man. <3
Ah, 20 minutes until it's Achilles' nap time. Nap time = heavenly. I guess I better rustle up the heathen kid and get him calmed down for quiet time!
Just wanted to put in a quick update. Until next time!
Posted by jenn la VICIOUS at 1:25 PM 0 comments
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Menchie Mendoza Tran
After a long fight with cancer for the second time in her life, my aunt passed away on August 24th, 2009. She was only 37-years-old and will forever be missed. I love you so much and sometimes I wonder how I'm going to get through the days, but I know what you wanted from me and I promise you..it'll be done.
Posted by jenn la VICIOUS at 11:27 AM 0 comments
Monday, August 10, 2009
Hello again.
It has been a while, yikes! Well, here I am ready to update the cyber world on the going ons of my life.
Life has been both hectic and stressful. I'm not sure how I'm still standing. I've been in and out of a funk these past few months, but I'd rather not go much into detail about why. I'm only asking that you keep me and my family in your good thoughts and prayers.
School? Finished microbiology last week. That class wasn't so bad, although I do believe it was a tad bit more difficult than anatomy. I didn't finish with the amazing mark I was hoping for, but again, there just has been a lot going on in my life. I really put my studies on the back burner as a result. Well, on to physiology in the fall!
Yes, after the fall I will have completed all of my pre-reqs for the nursing program! I only hope that the wait isn't too bad once I apply! I'm thinking of starting a separate blog as soon as I'm an official nursing student. Sounds like it would be fun, eh?
Oh, I'm also taking philosophy in the fall. I'm hoping it's doable with phys. I'm just testing the waters, if not, I'll drop philosophy. I hate that class anyways. I tried taking it last winter intersession, but I seriously wanted to bang my head on the desk half the time. I ended up dropping the class. lol
My son! My son turned 3-years-old just this August 3rd. We took him to Six Flags and had a pizza party on the day of his birthday. He had such a blast at the amusement park. I was surprised at how many little rides they offered for the smaller guests! I'm not much of a ride person myself. I get soooo sick!
Let's see, I'm just enjoying the rest of my summer break until I start fall semester this 24th. I've been pretty low key. Busko works from 8-430 monday-friday, so I'm indoors most of the time. Yeah, I could hop in my truck with the little one and head somewhere fun, but eh, I'm not really feeling spontaneity right now.
Until next time.
Posted by jenn la VICIOUS at 12:27 PM 0 comments
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Father’s Day..I guess..
I saw my dad on webcam last night. It has been the first time I have seen him animated for many many years. He still looked the same with that same goofy smile. :]
God, I look so much like him. He told me never to forget daddy. I haven’t yet. Don’t know if I ever will.
I’ve learned that parents, even if they were only in your life briefly, still have this strong impact on you. I still have a deep connection with my parental units. Even after everything they’ve put me and my siblings through, I still love them.
There’s a certain beauty about young children and how they see their parents. No matter how trashy, irresponsible, or just plain old bad their parents might be, these kids will ALWAYS see right through that.
Take for example a snippet from my childhood. I was living in a not so nice area in a roach infested house. My parents slept in throughout the day, leaving me and my sisters to find food for ourselves. Sometimes we’d throw random things together like ketchup and day old rice or we’d just go hungry. Sometimes my grandma would take us to her house and feed us, but where would we want to go as soon as our bellies were full? Right back home with mommy, daddy, and the roaches.
I can’t say I really enjoy this holiday. I can’t even enjoy it for Busko. Meh. That’s all I have to say. Meh.
Posted by jenn la VICIOUS at 11:14 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Soo tired..
Only 2 days into the summer session and I’m already so tired! I think I’m just burned out from the spring. My brain has totally been farting on me, especially during labs. For example, I was supposed to measure .8 grams of nutrient broth, but for some reason measured .08. What an effing rookie mistake! And today I just did not have the patience to look for different specimens on wet mounts under the microscope.
Ugh. I gotta finish this class though. Time is too precious to waste.
Posted by jenn la VICIOUS at 9:42 PM 0 comments
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Early this Sunday..
I’m still up. I’m feeling the grips of fatigue, but I figured a blog would be nice before hitting the hay.
My summer vacation has so far just been a leisurely one. I stay indoors most of the time. I don’t really feel like going out. The weather has took a sharp turn here in the AV. It’s windy and cold. It actually stormed a few days ago! I’m talking the rain, clouds, and lightening- the whole shabang!
Kind of weird after a few weeks of 80+ degree weather.
Anyways, I don’t know if I mentioned in my previous post that my professor for my summer course has already assigned us some homework. Stupid technology and what we call e-mail. Sometimes maybe I don’t want to be reached.
My little brother texted me earlier in some sort of crisis. Turns out the Powerpoint program on their home desktop was deleted, along with his presentation due this Monday. Seemed like THE important end of the year assignment so I volunteered to help him. We spent a good hour or two chatting via AIM while I put together his Powerpoint. Hahaha. He says it’s actually coming together better than his first. Ohhh yeahhhhh.
It’s a country report. I remember doing my country report back in the day (I say this like I’m old). I used paper and a report cover. I thought the report cover was fancy! Again with the damning of technology.
I got to webcam with my mother last night and some other family members I have in the Philippines. It was nice. I haven’t seen my mother in motion in years. I’ve only seen pictures.
She says I look like my father and that she likes my nose, it’s pointy and not flat like hers or my siblings. :P
Ah, to dream a life with parents. What would it have been like?
Posted by jenn la VICIOUS at 12:32 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
It’s my summer vacation!
Wooot. Monday was my final lab practicum and yesterday I had my final lecture exam. I have to admit I didn’t exactly study up to my regular standards, but I managed a B on my lab practical and I’m sure AT LEAST a C on that lecture exam. I’m pretty sure my final grade in the class will be a B. Hollaaaa.
So my first day off and..I’m going to go grocery shopping! Hahaha. Lame. Action will start next week when I head to San Jose. I won’t be there too long though. Just the 10-12, for my brother’s 8th grade graduation. I’d like to stay longer, but that costs money. Money, which needs to be saved right now.
Speaking of money, since Busko works as an ITC for the county, he receives benefits. We’re going to legalize our domestic partnership so I can get under his medical insurance. How romantic, right?
Eh, not much more to say. Life is really sweet right now besides an often sour toddler. :P
Posted by jenn la VICIOUS at 11:21 AM 0 comments
Friday, May 15, 2009
Just trying this babeh out..
Soo, Busko downloaded this Windows Live writer thingamajig. In fact, I’m typing this blog through it right now. Just messing around, you know.
Achilles, washing his dirt bike.
IS | THIS?? |
Posted by jenn la VICIOUS at 3:09 PM 0 comments
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Mother's Day!
At exactly midnight I was surprised by a bouquet of flowers and a just woken Achilles with card in hand. I really got teary eyed as lame as that sounds. Busko hasn't bought me flowers in about 2 years and a half, no lie!
He took me out for lunch at a hibachi style Japanese restaurant near by. The food was so good especially since the hibachi place we would hit up back in San Jose had bland food, but a good show. This place had a good show AND good food!
The restaurant even gave me a beautiful carnation wrapped in ribbon bound cellophane. :]
Anywho, after we headed to the Dollar Tree. I saw in their recent ad that they were selling luau themed decorations and since Achilles' 3rd birthday party will be said themed, I had to take advantage of the dollar decorations! Sure, his party isn't until the beginning of August, but gosh, for a dollar a pop who could let that deal pass?
I got the CUTEST decorations! They make me so impatient for his birthday party. Probably more so than Achilles! lol It's funny because as soon as I told Achilles to look at all the neat things we bought for his birthday party his eyes widened up and he kept asking me, "Making my birthday party??" I had to keep telling him his birthday party wasn't for another few months. Hahaha.
It's so hotttttt today. I didn't even feel like doing anything else. I just wanted to lay in my room with portable little AC on. lol
I'm so happy with how my Mother's day went though- probably the best so far! Now to finish the last couple of weeks of the semester and then a week off before Summer session and microbiology! Hahaha.
Happy Mother's Day, everybody! Hope you all have a good one!
Posted by jenn la VICIOUS at 3:17 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Lab Practical II..
91/100. YES!
It was definitely a picker upper after the last 2 C's I got on those stupid nervous system tests. I'm at an 85% in the class and SHOULD finish off the semester with a B. Not bad! Not only am I passing this class the first time around (6/10 first time students drop or fail), but I should also be finishing off with a decent mark.
Let's see, I've registered for my summer class. I was stuck between choosing microbiology or physiology online. I kind of psyched myself out of physiology. I'd need to be at the top of my game to take that class during the summer, online at that! So I'm taking microbiology. I'll be on campus Monday-Thursday from 11am to 4pm. I figure it's not that bad. One of my lab partners who took micro last summer, said that it wasn't bad at all and it was actually easier than human anatomy.
So I'm not too worried about the class, but the cost off books will kill the pockets..as always.
4 more weeks left in the semester! The finish line is visible from the distance!
Posted by jenn la VICIOUS at 2:13 PM 0 comments
Friday, April 24, 2009
Friday night.
And it's a great opportunity to start studying for my lab practical!
I've decided to reflect a little bit on my social life- or lack thereof.
Now back in the dayyyyyy on a night like this, one of the homies would probably come swoop me up in their parents car which they sneaked out. We'd drive around with no particular destination, windows down and music full blast. When we'd feel the hunger pangs, we'd head to the nearest Mcdonald's and be dollar menu millionaires. Ah, just no care in the world back then.
Ok, fast forward to the present. On a night like tonight I'm sitting at my desk with a few books strewn about, some flash cards, and about 5 different shades of high lighters. Nso music on, I need complete silence. No singing, just the sound of my own voice reciting flash cards over and over. Worried? Yes, extremely.
Do I mind? No, not really. I don't have too many friends to begin with. Well, friends that I'd feel comfortable hanging around with. Actually, I don't feel comfortable hanging out with most people my age at all. Most people my age are working part time jobs, partying, and juggling school. I, on the other hand, juggle motherhood, my relationship, and school. That's all I have in common with the youngins- school. Sure I could drone on and on about my son (because I can), but I don't know who would actually want to sit through that.
So maybe I'm doing everybody a favor by not hanging out with them. I'm saving them from an evening of potty stories and my different toddler disciplinary methods. Or maybe I'm just making an excuse for not putting in the effor to actually establish a social life.
Hmmmm. That's deep. Well, back to the books!
Posted by jenn la VICIOUS at 11:57 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
I really wish I had a camera..
Last night, during a long anatomy lab on muscles, I was little put off. We have our second lab practical next week and will be tested on upper musculature. I was running back and forth from our cat and the cadaver. Why dissect the cat if the muscles look SO different?? With a lecture exam on Wednesday and then the lab prac the following week, I was definitely stressing.
After being one of the last few students who stayed behind to flip the cadaver over and study back muscles, I was beginning to wonder if my goals were realistic. Can I do this? Is this for me? I'm not even close to the nursing program and I'm already second guessing myself- not a good sign.
Bag over my shoulder and lab coat still dawned, I sighed and left lab for the night. It was about 8pm and it was still warm out. There was dark gray light cast throughout campus. I was expecting a frigid cold that would hurt down to the bones, but was enveloped by a subtle warmth instead. It felt absolutely wonderful!
As I was walking to my car I was stunned by the beauty that made up the skies that night. It was a mixture of beautiful pinks, purples, and grays all intertwined between thin sparse clouds. There was also a hint of orange from the remaining sun, giving the whole scene a bit of a glow.
For the first time ever, I did not mind one bit that I park so far from campus.
I was overcome with a feeling of reassurance. I was embraced by the warmth, and enlightened by the skies. God was telling to me hold on and that everything will be okay.
It put all my problems, school and family, and even my goals into perspective. I was given strength and a much needed refreshing on my outlook towards life. It's hard to explain, but I savored that feeling and will never forget it.
I know I question my faith sometimes, but it was so hard not to believe God that night. Who else could make such different textures and colors on such different spectrums...mesh so well? And I realized that I am capable. I just need to open my heart more to my faith and Him. He is after all, the reason behind my direction in life.
Who knew it would take a stressful lab and walk to my beat up truck to establish my faith again? He really does work in mysterious ways. <3
Posted by jenn la VICIOUS at 10:39 AM 0 comments
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Happy Easter!
These are for you! Achilles and I colored eggs this morning! It was SO fun. I haven't played with egg dye for years! I've since substituted them with plastic eggs filled with candy. We still had the plastic eggs this year, but I figured since Achilles is a lot older than past Easters, it would be a fun activity, and it was!
Sure he didn't seem to understand how delicate the eggs were, but a few cracks just added some character to his eggs. lol
After coloring eggs and having a snack, we watched some toons while his dad did some cement work on the side. After the toons, we took a nap before egg hunting at the park. Good thing we did, we needed all the energy we could get. It was SO tiring! I'm SO pooped.
Achilles loved his basket and all his goodies. He had a blast playing with his new golf set even though he cheats and places the balls in the holes while we're not looking. He also LOVED his new kite! He was sooo amazed. lol
This was the first egg hunt Achilles actually understood. Last year he only 'found' (the eggs were across the lawn in plain sight. lol) a few eggs and got tired of it.Here he is ready to look for eggs, tres cute! Oh, I actually just bought him those sandals earlier while I was at Walmart buying the eggs and dye. I'm glad I did, they're so convenient!
Well, my Spring Break is officially over. I did a total of about 45 minutes worth of studying, shame on me. Ugh, back to the world of human anatomy tomorrow.
Wish me luck.
Posted by jenn la VICIOUS at 8:45 PM 0 comments
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Remember that school dramz I mentioned I was going through?
Well, it just turns out that my high school diploma is NOT accredited. Isn't that something? I got it through a private school and it cost me 400 dollars. I payed 400 dollars for a piece of useless paper.
Anyways, it served as a complication since I am signing up for the RN program at the end of this fall. I'll need not only my college transcripts, but my high school transcripts as well. Well, this 'private school' I got my 'diploma' from closed down due to 'financial reasons'. Their email account is closed and their phone number was disconnected. Where does that leave me? SHIT OUT OF LUCK, that's where!
Eh, I teared up a little about it. I have worked SO hard to maintain my current GPA (3.8 *ahem*) and it killed me that technically it was useless without my high school diploma. I made a trip to the local adult school with some questions about taking the GED test and spoke with a guidance counselor. As soon as I told her where I got my high school diploma from, she immediately told me it wasn't accredited. Apparently a lot of people have done the same and just ended up at the adult school to do their GED.
I signed up, forked over $125 (ouch) and got home to review some study guides online. I also had a book I had purchased a year ago called 'Master the GED 2008' before I was scammed into that private school. I was a little concerned because the practice tests were tough! I struggled with some of it!
Well, I took the first portion of the GED test today, math and writing, and let me tell you, they were 10x easier than any of the practice tests I took! Now I know why the book guarantees higher scores. lol
So I'm taking the second portion tomorrow. I believe it'll be reading, social science, and science. It should be a piece of cake. The only part that kills is how slow the instructor moves. I swear, everything that man does has the lease time efficiency.
We had to watch this video on how to use a calculator and fill in the bubbles on our answer sheet properly. It kind of saddened me because it was kind of...degrading?
Wish me luck tomorrow. Can't believe this is what my Spring Break is ending with. :[
Posted by jenn la VICIOUS at 9:42 PM 0 comments
Saturday, April 4, 2009
I'm going coocoo mama.
Coocoo mama = what Achilles calls the game 'Cooking Mama' for his DS.
Yes, my 2-year-old son has a Nintendo DS. Yes, I know this will probably kick me in the ass later.
He only has one game, some Go, Diego, Go! game, but he stumbled across my Cooking Mama and loves to make sandwiches and pizzas. lol
Anyways, I started hormonal birth control a week ago and I am seriously going coocoo mama. I'm moody, depressed, irritable, and just constantly picking fights and bickering with my boyfriend. In fact, we are in the middle of a huge fight right now. I'm done with the birth control though. I need to go back to the fun loving, only semi-crazy, Jenn. :D
It's really killing my Spring break though, on the real. I just want to stay cooped up in my room all day. I flaked on Michelle for coffee yesterday. :[
Booboo me.
OH, and not to mention there's some other crap I'm going through regarding some school stuff. It sucks.
My luck has officially gone down the pooper.
Posted by jenn la VICIOUS at 11:38 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
I thought this was funny.
There was a water line break at my college yesterday that actually closed campus down for a few hours. I was supposed to check in at 415pm to see whether the campus was open again and if classes later than 445 would resume. My class started at 5, yeah, bummer. Anyways, I decided to email my anatomy professor.
pre-note: she just had surgery on her foot a few days prior.
> I’m thinking you should just go ahead and cancel lecture for today.
> I
> mean, this is a GREAT opportunity for you to rest your leg. It
> would be
> such a shame to cancel class, but I clearly have what’s best for
> you in
> mind. :D
> Your thoroughly upset (I mean, really really upset!) student
> because of
> a canceled class,
> Jenn
..and this is what I got in response.
Jenn, Jenn, Jenn,
Your concern for my foot is heartwarming. So much so, that I wouldn’t DREAM of canceling
class if they get that pipe fixed. Check myAVC at 4:15 for the latest info.
See ya (maybe) later.
LOL. How hilarious is that?? I love how she replied in the same note of sarcasm. She's a fun professor. Really.
Anyways, I had a really really bad bout with my vertigo today. I seriously could not get up if my life depended on it. If I tried, I collapsed right back down on the bed. I really did not want to go to lab, but I had a lecture exam to attend to. My dizzy spells managed to calm down enough for me to throw on some clothes and have Busko drop me off.
I just stayed for my test even though we had a lab right after with our cat and cadaver.
SOOO, I rarely get vertigo attacks. I think I found the cause for this sudden onset though- freaking anxiety! I don't know if I mentioned in an earlier post, but I had 3 major tests in just these past 3 weeks. I was feeling fine up to receiving the exam and looking down. Luckily I didn't blow chunks, seriously.
Please tell me why everything I had a hard time comprehending in my lecture notes was in that damn exam!?!? WHY?!?!
Anyways, as soon as I was done and outside getting some fresh air I felt a whole lot better! A few other girls (a majority of the class is made up of females. there are 2 males!) came out, I was relieved to hear that they found the exam just as difficult.
Busko came and picked me up and we just grabbed some din at subway.
OH, my lab practical...I got an 89/100 on it. LMAO. I ALWAYS GET SO DAMN CLOSE. FML. FML. FML.
It's cool. I should just rely on the overall amount of points anyways, right?
That's right, Jenn, stay optimistic. :D
I AM ON SPRING BREAK. I don't have to study tonight or for another few nights. My next exam isn't until 2 weeks! WOOOT. I already have my itenerary for next week!
- Santa Monica beach calls my name!
- I need to see that movie 'The Haunting in Conneticut'
- Busko promised me a tattoo session on my still incomplete back piece.
- Coffee with Michelle!
And somewhere there...there is SOME studying. *grumbles* The SMART thing to do would be to start studying for my next test now, right? WHATEVS.
Summer is coming up. I will die a little come that time. I was speaking with my counselor just the other day when she asked me what class I wanted to take during the summer session. I told her I was planning on taking microbiology. She kind of paused what she was doing, stared me straight into the eye, and said ever so seriously..
"That class during the summer is suicide."
Posted by jenn la VICIOUS at 10:25 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
So that second lecture exam, I got an A.
I was pretty happy about it, but I'm not celebrating too much. It's too early in the semester.
Just took the first lab practical a few hours ago. Man oh man, whatever happened to multiple choice like Bio 101?? I had an answer for everything, but God knows if they were even correct.
I am so tired. My brain is tired, but you know what? We are having our THIRD lecture exam next week! Yes, that's three big tests in a row! Human anatomy is a killer. I am so glad I took this class on its own, no joke.
I'm leaving to Las Vegas tomorrow until Sunday. I will be making my note cards for this next exam tomorrow and I'm praying I will have the self discipline to study and memorize them. It'll be 11 pages of notes, back and front, on note cards. That's not so bad...I think. I really wasn't planning on going, but Busko bribed me with a shopping spree. I couldn't turn that down. I'm a woman and I am weak when it comes to the prospect of new shoes. :[
Oh my, I'm nodding off to sleep while I type this thing.
Speaking of nodding off- the other day I was pulling a semi-all nighter so I was downing a Monster energy drink. Please tell my why it was making me feel even more tired?? I'm beginning to think I might have ADD or ADHD since caffeine acts a sedative to sufferers. I should probably look into that? lol.
Lots to do tomorrow! Laundry, packing, and note cards.
After my lecture exam next Wednesday I'm off for Spring break! CHYEAAAAHHH, BOYYYYYYY.
Oh, and that is my beloved lab group. Yes, they had the cool goggles. I bought mine from the bookstore. Go figure.
Goodnight, loves.
Posted by jenn la VICIOUS at 11:05 PM 0 comments
Sunday, March 15, 2009
My mouth hurts soooo bad.
I am so sick of these braces! I've still got a whole year to go. Ughhhhh!
I got my bottom braces put on yesterday. I hate hate hate the dull pain that associates with a new wire! And of course there's the inevitable food getting stuck while I eat! Holy moly, if I would have the slightest idea that this is what braces was going to be about, I wouldn't have gotten them. And that's the truth!
Sure, I'm digging my straighter grill, but I don't know. I don't think it's really worth all the pain and annoyances I have to deal with. I can't even eat. I'm so hungryyy and when I do eat I can't savor my food because I can't chew!
DAMN IT! I can't find my wax. There's just projection on one of my bottom bands that has been poking and scraping at my tongue.
Helpppp meeeeee.
Posted by jenn la VICIOUS at 3:19 PM 0 comments
Friday, March 13, 2009
I took a break tonight from studying.
But crap, I feel horrible.
My second lecture exam is in a few days, Wednesday actually. I have roughly 60 note cards to memorize. I've done 40.
lol. OMG. My guilt is eating me up. I'm going to run through the 40 before bed. It's the LEAST I could do.
Busko left to Las Vegas a few hours ago with his parents and brother. I would've liked to go, but I have a dental and orthodontic appointment tomorrow. I could have rescheduled, but they're starting my bottom braces so I figured I should just get it over with. Ohhhhhh honey, my mouth is going to be in some major pain tomorrow. Normally I can do some light eating after a good tightening of my upper wire, but that's only because my lower teeth were in no pain. I don't know how it'll be with both rows of teeth in pain.
dun dun dun. We shall see.
Errmmm, note cards call. I'll let you know how I do on my test as soon as I find out. Holla holla.
Posted by jenn la VICIOUS at 11:06 PM 0 comments
Friday, March 6, 2009
Mother of pearl!
So I had this blog all typed out, but somehow I deleted it. Dehm it.
Anywho, I managed a B on that exam I mentioned in my previous post. Yes, better than I assumed, but upon seeing my score I was bummed out once again. I was 1/4 of a point away from an A. Bummer.
Well, no reason to mope about it now! Actually, compared to a majority of the class that didn't do too well, I shouldn't be complaining at all!
I'm a little stressed about the lab practicals. I never do too hott on those. It's not memorizing the main bones like in Bio 101, but rather every nook and cranny of each bone. Or maybe I should be speaking Bio lingo and say, every foramen, fossa, tubercle, tuberosity, and there are just so much more terms!
Our first practical isn't until closer to the end of this month, but I believe my next lecture exam is inching closer. I should probably start preparing my notecards for that.
OH, let's talk makeup.
I was at a local 99 cents store and found some knock off Smashbox eyeliners! HAH. They would have totally been believable if it weren't for the fact that every shade was called 'Smashing Black'- even some lime green one. Hahahah.
Alright, off to watch Spongebob with the little one!
Posted by jenn la VICIOUS at 8:34 PM 0 comments
Thursday, February 26, 2009
A little twist.
I've decided to dedicate this blog towards my pursuit of nursing.
It only made sense since I rarely have anything to talk about, BUT school. Now that I'm taking the remaining biology classes in order to apply for the nursing program, this 'twist' just seemed appropriate.
I digress.
I took my first test for the lecture portion of my Biology 201 class. I felt okay with the amount of studying I contributed towards it, but I knew I could have done more. The test was able to give me a better understanding of how that class works- what take home messages I should take from lectures, how much I should really be studying, and what I should expect from my professor.
The test was easier than I thought it would be. Although it was easier, it didn't prevent my test anxiety. So yes, I did blank out for some questions I should have known the answers to. It was a 50 point test so each question accounted for 2-6 points. I feel like I accomplished a C. Eh, that's not much of an accomplishment- for me, at least. Even so, I'm pretty sure there was only a handful of us that passed in a class of 24. Yes, I did peak around at what other people had on their tests AFTER I turned in my test.
I will update with my grade after I officially receive my results on Monday. UGH. I have so many days to be stressing about this. I really do not enjoy the idea of starting off the semester with a C, but then again, the class does have a 60% fail rate.
OH, I spoke with my campus counselor and hounded her about the waiting list for the nursing program. Apparently it is no longer first come/first serve, nor do they do lottos anymore- it's COMPETITIVE!
Dun dun dun.
So maybe I should care more about my grade for this class. I need all the upper-hands I can get over the rest of the nursing majors, which is about 95% of the college!
Posted by jenn la VICIOUS at 4:58 PM 0 comments
Thursday, February 12, 2009
First week of the Spring semester done. Yes.
Only taking 4 units, but it's Human Anatomy; which in my school 6/10 students fail. SO, naturally I'm taking it on its own. Actually I'm taking all of my remaining Biology classes on their own. They're all I have left to be able to apply for the RN program. And if there is a wait to get into the program, which I'm sure there will be, I will finish up Philosophy. It's my plan. Hopefully all goes well.
I'm really digging Anatomy so far. It just goes to prove how much of a science geek I really am. I dissected a rat yesterday. It was live and we euthanized it in the lab. A little inhumane perhaps, but I really got to respect the vibrant colors of a fresh specimen! From all the preserved creatures I've dissected, their insides were this grayish tan mass. I better not fail this class. Otherwise my poor rat would have died in vain!
I'm in dire need of recreational reading. I'm thinking of reading the Twilight saga again. I was reminded of my love for Edward Cullen just earlier tonight. Hahaha. Ah, but maybe now is not the time to reunite with my vampy love. Any extra time I have to read should be dedicated towards Human Anatomy. Ah, I'm so responsible...most of the time. Hahaha.
What's new? Jeez, nothing really. I wish I had more exciting things to blog about, but alas, I do not. I have been obsessing over the future quite often recently. I'm just ready for it already. I see only big and better things for myself, my son, my family. I'm getting old! I'm 20! I feel my hips and back giving out. True story.
The boys are asleep. They've both left me to entertain myself during this long late hour nights. And I turn to my blog. I guess that's fine. It did need some attention after all.
Valentines day is coming up. We've no plans. Perhaps our relationship has come to a standstill which Halmark holidays such as V-day have no special meaning to us anymore. OR, maybe it is because we are BROKE. Hahaha. I'm sure it's the latter, but I digress.
Anywho, I had my teeth extractions done. It wasn't as bad as I assumed. It went quickly actually! The dentist made it seem like it was a peice of cake to yank these teeth from the roots. Recovery was fairly easy. Little to no pain after the novacaine wore off. My jaw was just sore from being jerked side to side because of a stubborn molar! Next day pain was nonexistant and by the 3rd day I was eating pretty normally.
The most painful part of the procedure were the novacaine shots...
Ugh. I hope the t.v has something on to numb my mind to sleep.
Posted by jenn la VICIOUS at 10:50 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
I dropped my winter class. Well feck, there goes a fat ass 'W' on my transcripts. Whatever, just as long as it doesn't affect my GPA then I am cooooool.
I needed a vacation. I've been in San Jose since a little over a week ago, just me and Achilles. I didn't really tell anyone since I really just wanted to focus solely on the fambam- which I did. It was nice.
I'll be heading back down to the AV in a couple of days, gotta prepare for the Spring semester. Human anatomy, yikes! I think it's the $300 worth of books for that one class that is more 'yikes' worthy. Hah. Urgghhhh, I just gotta stay focused. Dropping Philosophy and taking this last minute vacation seriously threw me off my school jive.
And just other things too...
Whatever. I see Busko tomorrow after so many days of being apart. It will be nice. It will give some strength in the dreary weeks ahead.
February will be financially tight. My orthodontic treatment calls for 4 extractions which unfortunately my insurance will not cover. That is 1240 bucks out of my own pocket. I have to dip into savings. :[ I've already downgraded my cellphone plan to help reimburse the substantial dent in my savings. Now I can't buy things on impulse for a very long time...
YES. I disconnected my beloved crap phone sidekick3. Now I'm dealing with some pay as you go type deal with Virgin Mobile. I bought their Wildcard phone. It's kind of crappy, but it has a full keyboard which I need for my texting! That's all that matters....
My older sister bought me new boots. I fecking love them. I think you'd love them too.
...I want to prance around in them like when Deputy Dangle got his new boots on Reno 911. lol
Posted by jenn la VICIOUS at 12:17 AM 0 comments
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Happy New Years!
I came down with a viral infection that was going around amongst the children of the house. It consisted of the runs and vomiting. I knew I was coming down with it on new years eve, but it didn't hit me hard until two days later. It was horrible! Since I avoid eating at all costs when I'm sick I did a lot of dry heaving over the toilet. That hurts..really bad.
Anywho! I spent the beginning of the new year with my son and hubub. Although I was a bit nauseas in bed, it was fine with me. I was with the right people and that's all that mattered. :]
So I decided to use the mall gift card Busko's parents gave me for xmas. I went ahead and got myself a much needed haircut today. It's safe to say that I just got one of the best haircuts of my life...by a STRAIGHT man. Unbelievable, eh?
Tomorrow I have a lot to do. I need to do TONS of laundry and do a bit of cleaning! I also need to get ready for intersession..which Iam not looking forward to. It's going to be the sucks. Philosophy doesn't sound like a class I would care for- like Sociology. SOCIOLOGY, what the fuck was that about?? I HATED that class. UGHHH. I'm buying my books for intersession on Monday. There goes $200!
..I should grow a money tree.
yawn. This undergrad scene is getting old.
Posted by jenn la VICIOUS at 9:22 PM 0 comments