Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day!

At exactly midnight I was surprised by a bouquet of flowers and a just woken Achilles with card in hand. I really got teary eyed as lame as that sounds. Busko hasn't bought me flowers in about 2 years and a half, no lie!

He took me out for lunch at a hibachi style Japanese restaurant near by. The food was so good especially since the hibachi place we would hit up back in San Jose had bland food, but a good show. This place had a good show AND good food!

The restaurant even gave me a beautiful carnation wrapped in ribbon bound cellophane. :]

Anywho, after we headed to the Dollar Tree. I saw in their recent ad that they were selling luau themed decorations and since Achilles' 3rd birthday party will be said themed, I had to take advantage of the dollar decorations! Sure, his party isn't until the beginning of August, but gosh, for a dollar a pop who could let that deal pass?

I got the CUTEST decorations! They make me so impatient for his birthday party. Probably more so than Achilles! lol It's funny because as soon as I told Achilles to look at all the neat things we bought for his birthday party his eyes widened up and he kept asking me, "Making my birthday party??" I had to keep telling him his birthday party wasn't for another few months. Hahaha.

It's so hotttttt today. I didn't even feel like doing anything else. I just wanted to lay in my room with portable little AC on. lol

I'm so happy with how my Mother's day went though- probably the best so far! Now to finish the last couple of weeks of the semester and then a week off before Summer session and microbiology! Hahaha.

Happy Mother's Day, everybody! Hope you all have a good one!