Saturday, June 20, 2009

Father’s Day..I guess..

I saw my dad on webcam last night. It has been the first time I have seen him animated for many many years. He still looked the same with that same goofy smile. :]

God, I look so much like him. He told me never to forget daddy. I haven’t yet. Don’t know if I ever will.

I’ve learned that parents, even if they were only in your life briefly, still have this strong impact on you. I still have a deep connection with my parental units. Even after everything they’ve put me and my siblings through, I still love them.

There’s a certain beauty about young children and how they see their parents. No matter how trashy, irresponsible, or just plain old bad their parents might be, these kids will ALWAYS see right through that.

Take for example a snippet from my childhood. I was living in a not so nice area in a roach infested house. My parents slept in throughout the day, leaving me and my sisters to find food for ourselves. Sometimes we’d throw random things together like ketchup and day old rice or we’d just go hungry. Sometimes my grandma would take us to her house and feed us, but where would we want to go as soon as our bellies were full? Right back home with mommy, daddy, and the roaches.

I can’t say I really enjoy this holiday. I can’t even enjoy it for Busko. Meh. That’s all I have to say. Meh.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Soo tired..

Only 2 days into the summer session and I’m already so tired! I think I’m just burned out from the spring. My brain has totally been farting on me, especially during labs. For example, I was supposed to measure .8 grams of nutrient broth, but for some reason measured .08. What an effing rookie mistake! And today I just did not have the patience to look for different specimens on wet mounts under the microscope.

Ugh. I gotta finish this class though. Time is too precious to waste.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Early this Sunday..

I’m still up. I’m feeling the grips of fatigue, but I figured a blog would be nice before hitting the hay.

My summer vacation has so far just been a leisurely one. I stay indoors most of the time. I don’t really feel like going out. The weather has took a sharp turn here in the AV. It’s windy and cold. It actually stormed a few days ago! I’m talking the rain, clouds, and lightening- the whole shabang!

Kind of weird after a few weeks of 80+ degree weather.

Anyways, I don’t know if I mentioned in my previous post that my professor for my summer course has already assigned us some homework. Stupid technology and what we call e-mail. Sometimes maybe I don’t want to be reached.

My little brother texted me earlier in some sort of crisis. Turns out the Powerpoint program on their home desktop was deleted, along with his presentation due this Monday. Seemed like THE important end of the year assignment so I volunteered to help him. We spent a good hour or two chatting via AIM while I put together his Powerpoint. Hahaha. He says it’s actually coming together better than his first. Ohhh yeahhhhh.

It’s a country report. I remember doing my country report back in the day (I say this like I’m old). I used paper and a report cover. I thought the report cover was fancy! Again with the damning of technology.

I got to webcam with my mother last night and some other family members I have in the Philippines. It was nice. I haven’t seen my mother in motion in years. I’ve only seen pictures.

She says I look like my father and that she likes my nose, it’s pointy and not flat like hers or my siblings. :P

Ah, to dream a life with parents. What would it have been like?

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

It’s my summer vacation!

Wooot. Monday was my final lab practicum and yesterday I had my final lecture exam. I have to admit I didn’t exactly study up to my regular standards, but I managed a B on my lab practical and I’m sure AT LEAST a C on that lecture exam. I’m pretty sure my final grade in the class will be a B. Hollaaaa.

So my first day off and..I’m going to go grocery shopping! Hahaha. Lame. Action will start next week when I head to San Jose. I won’t be there too long though. Just the 10-12, for my brother’s 8th grade graduation. I’d like to stay longer, but that costs money. Money, which needs to be saved right now.

Speaking of money, since Busko works as an ITC for the county, he receives benefits. We’re going to legalize our domestic partnership so I can get under his medical insurance. How romantic, right?

Eh, not much more to say. Life is really sweet right now besides an often sour toddler. :P