Wednesday, June 4, 2008

waiting impatiently..

I'm leaving to san jose in less than an hour.

it will be the perfect vacation. I'll be out of desert land for a little more than a week. everybody needs a vacation from desert land once in a while.

busko gets off at 530, after which he needs to buy achilles a pair of sandals for the beach, and then fill up with gas.

after, he will pick up me and the sonsie and we will be off.

like I mentioned, we are going to the beach. we're going tomorrow. it'll be achilles' first time to sink his little toes in beach sand. I hope he doesn't freak out. busko already bought him his toys for the sand, but somehow I think busko bought them for himself. he's been talking about making a sand

did I mention I got braces? well I did. and they suck.

I've just got some of my upper brackets on and spacers inbetween some of my molars, no wire yet. the spacers are killing me. they sometimes make it difficult to eat. apparently the spacer pain is nothing compared to tightening of the wire pain.


it's almost timeeeee. eeeeeep!