Thursday, February 26, 2009

A little twist.

I've decided to dedicate this blog towards my pursuit of nursing.

It only made sense since I rarely have anything to talk about, BUT school. Now that I'm taking the remaining biology classes in order to apply for the nursing program, this 'twist' just seemed appropriate.

I digress.

I took my first test for the lecture portion of my Biology 201 class. I felt okay with the amount of studying I contributed towards it, but I knew I could have done more. The test was able to give me a better understanding of how that class works- what take home messages I should take from lectures, how much I should really be studying, and what I should expect from my professor.

The test was easier than I thought it would be. Although it was easier, it didn't prevent my test anxiety. So yes, I did blank out for some questions I should have known the answers to. It was a 50 point test so each question accounted for 2-6 points. I feel like I accomplished a C. Eh, that's not much of an accomplishment- for me, at least. Even so, I'm pretty sure there was only a handful of us that passed in a class of 24. Yes, I did peak around at what other people had on their tests AFTER I turned in my test.

I will update with my grade after I officially receive my results on Monday. UGH. I have so many days to be stressing about this. I really do not enjoy the idea of starting off the semester with a C, but then again, the class does have a 60% fail rate.

OH, I spoke with my campus counselor and hounded her about the waiting list for the nursing program. Apparently it is no longer first come/first serve, nor do they do lottos anymore- it's COMPETITIVE!

Dun dun dun.

So maybe I should care more about my grade for this class. I need all the upper-hands I can get over the rest of the nursing majors, which is about 95% of the college!