Sunday, December 28, 2008


my blog will be a year old in a few weeks. i had no clue.


today was busko's niece's first birthday. his brother and sister-in-law had a small family gathering at a place called vince's pasta and pizza. it had an arcade area so achilles had fun. he kept asking busko for tokens and it went a little something like this..

achilles- daddy, i want money!

busko- here. *hands achilles token*

me- might as well get used to it now.

hah. i really like this age. developmentally he's so funny! i love his mannerisms and the way he talks. i could skip out on the tantrums though. in your upper left corner, there is achilles on christmas morning, trying on a vest his Lola Menchie got him. that kid cracks me up.

i love him.