Saturday, January 12, 2008


I finally got around to watching pirates of the carribean 3. it was by far the best of the trilogy.

so my friday night didn't suck so much after all.

oh, I did the stupidest thing a bit ago. I took the ball out of my lip ring thinking it was the screw on kid. it turned out to be the kind that have itty bitty indents on either side which stay on by squeezing the loop against them. so of course it was impossible to put back in! I tried asking busko, my boyfriend, to just squeeze the loop closed without the ball to prevent either end of the loop to slip out. ughhhh! we ended up having to put a piece of tape to bridge the gap. yes, I do indeed feel uber ghetto. I had just gotten the pierce done maybe a week ago so I don't have any extra lip fandangles laying around. luckily, with much begging, busko is going to get me a new one first thing tomorrow morning. until then, I am going to stay in the room with sonsie, loop, and tape.

gah, this shizz better not get infected.

ah! look at the time. the later I sleep, the earlier achilles gets up. tata.