Saturday, January 12, 2008

calorie counting is for wussies.

so call me a wuss.

no surprise that one of my new year's resolutions was to lose some weight.

i have yet to be on a formal diet since having my son back in '06.

i'm not grotesquely fat or anything, but i do indeed walk around with a muffin top. :]

YES, i still have tape hanging off of my bottom lip. busko is on his way home right now from the mall. i'm not sure if the size he got is going to work out, but i couldn't go. i wouldn't be caught dead looking like this! unless maybe i start a new trend.....

but i don't think masking tape will ever catch on.

achilles is still being a whiney boy. three teeth coming in at once! both upper fangs and a molar. poor kid. i've been giving him teething tablets, but i'm pretty sure this homeopathic medicine thing is CRAP. just makes me feel better that i'm doing something for him instead of feeling so helpless. i guess it's a mommy thing.

i better go. he's hiding in the corner and i can hear him breathing pretty hard. you know what that means, he's taking a #2!!!!!