Friday, January 11, 2008

it's friday night..

and i am sitting behind a computer desk. how lame can i possibly be?

my son is asleep which makes this time precious. time for me. time to do whatever it is i need to do.

..unfortunately, there is nothing to do. i've just finished cleaning the whole house and semester doesn't start until next month. booboo.

there will be no work done here, son. sorry.

speaking of school, i'm taking 14 units this next semester. i'm nervous about it. i'm scared of the workload, but i know down in the depths of my insides that i'd be able to handle it. problem is, will achilles let me handle it? i don't work. i just stay home, clean, and take care of the sonsie. i don't see why i couldn't hang? do you?

i just need to get myself into tunnel vision mode. keep your eyes on the prize as they say. what am i majoring in you wonder? well, since i am a young filipino woman why don't you take a guess? YOU'RE RIGHT. registered nursing! you're good. :D

i think i've got crazy cabin fever. i haven't been out for a while. my boyfriend works all the time- crazy retail hours. he's going out tonight with his older brother. they really don't know what they're going to do, but i can't help but feel bitter. i wish i could go out on a whim.

which leads us to another point, i need a damn car. oh, and my license. this permit isn't cutting it.

but let us worry about that another day.

tonight...i shall lay in bed and watch t.v. ah, predictable jenn. predictable predictable jenn.

i think i'll treat myself to a pepsi. yes, carbonated liquid death. i most certainly deserve it.

goodnight. <3